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:: Harrova fjalkalimin
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» imazhe interesante
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:16 am nga don corleone

» Antari Siper
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:50 pm nga Big_Boss

» A ka njerez ?
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Sun May 12, 2013 2:24 pm nga Amadeus

» pallati 176 versioni +18 (dirty) :-)
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:23 am nga Amadeus

» Sygjerimet tuaja
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:17 am nga Amadeus

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:14 am nga Amadeus

» Prezantohuni
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:59 am nga Amadeus

» Pershendesni antaret qe keni perzemer
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:48 am nga ani

» Besoni ne Zot ?!
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:56 pm nga Big_Boss

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Me pas sygjeroja dhe miqve;)
cfare preferoni te pini me shpesh?
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap17%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 17% [ 6 ]
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap29%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 10 ]
pije te ftohta (sheno cfare)
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap31%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 31% [ 11 ]
pije te nxehta (sheno cfare)
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap23%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 23% [ 8 ]
Totali i votave : 35

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kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
angel boy
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
Child In Time
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
Blue Paradise
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
Child Of Darkness
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcapkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_voting_barkush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap 
Njerez dashuri shoqeria fate
January 2025
Administratore: Child Of Darkness, Lacuna_Coil
Moderatore: Child In Time

S.O.F 2008-2009


 kush e fiton maratonen 2009????

Shko poshtė 
3 posters

fiton maratonen rinore 2009......
dhaskal todri
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap100%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 100% [ 2 ]
kostandin kristoforidhi
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap0%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
mahir domi
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap0%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
qemal stafa
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap0%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap0%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
ahmet dakli
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap0%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
shkolla pedagogjike
kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_lcap0%kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Totali i votave : 2
Poll closed

Adoleshent energjik
Adoleshent energjik

Numri i postimeve : 15511
Mosha : 32
Vendndodhja : ♥♥14 dhjetor 2008 ♥♥
Hobi : Te kujtoj kohet e shkuara...
Koha e lire : ♥♥Flas ne cel me amoren ♥♥
Piket : 10435
Data e regjistrimit : 12/11/2008

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Fri May 15, 2009 3:58 pm

per mua dhaskali...uhh ishte e papame..nen udheheqjen e erand sojlit nuk ka si te jete ndryshe..po presin trofeun..... bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
don corleone
Adoleshent energjik
Adoleshent energjik
don corleone

Numri i postimeve : 2525
Mosha : 33
Vendndodhja : cuba with fidel castro
Hobi : just nothing special
Koha e lire : shfrytezim maksimal
Piket : 1448
Data e regjistrimit : 23/08/2008

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Fri May 15, 2009 3:59 pm

hot spicy shkruajti:
per mua dhaskali...uhh ishte e papame..nen udheheqjen e erand sojlit nuk ka si te jete ndryshe..po presin trofeun..... bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
:gaga: :gaga: :gaga: pranaj e kishit bileten 300leke ju per ti dhen gjysmat atij Smile
dhe skostandini bukur e bana po asaj pune si dihet se te kjo tem te gjith per shkollen e vet do thone Cool
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Adoleshent energjik
Adoleshent energjik

Numri i postimeve : 15511
Mosha : 32
Vendndodhja : ♥♥14 dhjetor 2008 ♥♥
Hobi : Te kujtoj kohet e shkuara...
Koha e lire : ♥♥Flas ne cel me amoren ♥♥
Piket : 10435
Data e regjistrimit : 12/11/2008

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Fri May 15, 2009 4:02 pm

jam dakort me aldon por vleresimet e jurise do e tregojne me mire....jam 100% e sigurt qe ne jemi fituesit..perderisa komplet shfaqja kaloi ne gjysem finale cheers
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
don corleone
Adoleshent energjik
Adoleshent energjik
don corleone

Numri i postimeve : 2525
Mosha : 33
Vendndodhja : cuba with fidel castro
Hobi : just nothing special
Koha e lire : shfrytezim maksimal
Piket : 1448
Data e regjistrimit : 23/08/2008

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Fri May 15, 2009 4:02 pm

don corleone shkruajti:
hot spicy shkruajti:
per mua dhaskali...uhh ishte e papame..nen udheheqjen e erand sojlit nuk ka si te jete ndryshe..po presin trofeun..... bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
:gaga: :gaga: :gaga: pranaj e kishit bileten 300leke ju per ti dhen gjysmat atij Smile
dhe kostandini bukur e ben po asaj pune si dihet se te kjo tem te gjith per shkollen e vet do thone Cool
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Adoleshent energjik
Adoleshent energjik

Numri i postimeve : 15511
Mosha : 32
Vendndodhja : ♥♥14 dhjetor 2008 ♥♥
Hobi : Te kujtoj kohet e shkuara...
Koha e lire : ♥♥Flas ne cel me amoren ♥♥
Piket : 10435
Data e regjistrimit : 12/11/2008

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:35 pm

kjo tema duhet cuar te arkivat se e fitoi dhaskali mooooooo aaaaaaaa
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė

Numri i postimeve : 18764
Mosha : 33
Vendndodhja : Finlanden se nderroj me asgje ne bot...:(:(
Hobi : cte dali perpara,mjfaton tme pelqej.....
Koha e lire : e lire le te mbetet....dhe me te,te bashkohet dhe my kitare :P
Piket : 5690
Data e regjistrimit : 29/06/2008

kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:32 pm

Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
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kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Empty
MesazhTitulli: Re: kush e fiton maratonen 2009????   kush e fiton maratonen 2009???? Icon_minitime1

Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
kush e fiton maratonen 2009????
Mbrapsht nė krye 
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